
Business SeminarOn an annual basis, HEG offers a comprehensive business development program using the Highmark* business development course.  This program is offered for the purpose of helping client companies identify and maximize the strengths of their businesses as well as develop weak areas in order to move from being average companies to great businesses.

The course involves 4 one week long business development seminars for Directors of Vietnamese companies.  We offer seminars on Marketing, Human Resources, Finance and Accounting, and Strategic Management.  Each seminar is led by a group of business consultants who are executives and business owners themselves, not University professors.  Each morning of the seminar week, the consultants teach key business principals.  In the afternoons, each participant business will be visited and the consultants will work with the participants to look for areas to add value and improve the business.  Following each Seminar, HEG will follow up with Participant businesses in an ongoing consulting relationship which is part of the program to help business owners to implement principals taught and increase efficiency and profitability.  Each seminar is offered 3 months after the previous seminar.

For more details on our business development seminars and for information on how to participate in the program, follow this link: Our Partners

*Heritage Enterprise Group, is a licensed user of the HighMark seminar materials

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